
exhibitions showing the humann installation


humann at the Museum of Science, Boston

april 17 - september 8, 2009

Museum of Science, Boston
1 Science Park, Boston, MA 02114, USA

as a part of:
Boston Cyberarts Festival 2009
This humann-exhibition at the Museum of Science was made possible thanks to our sponsors:
Museum of Science (Boston, MA), SICK (Germany) and KyndL (Lynnfield, MA)

SICK kindly donated their (very expensive!) hi-end LMS200 Laser Measurement System sensor for our artwork.
KyndL 'kyndly' gave us an excellent custom built PC for the exhibit at the Museum of Science.
04/05/2009: 'Three ways to see science as entertainment', Boston Globe
04/22/2009: Metro Boston - T time
05/12/2009: 'BIG RED ON-THE-TOWN: THE MUSEUM OF SCIENCE', Big Red & Shiny issue #106
photos from the humann exhibition @ Museum of Science Boston
Museum of Science, Boston | Special Programs | humann Digital Kaleidoscope

humann opening reception, April 29th, 2009

humann opening reception, April 29th, 2009
(photo by Rob Coshow)

a special thanks to:

  • Museum of Science (Boston), SICK (Germany), KyndL (Lynnfield) for their sponsorship
  • Lisa Monrose, Dan Dowling Jr., George Fifield, Henk Hofstede, Chip Canty, Peter Radochia, Bob Kneeland and many others for making this show possible!


humann at the 're-ACT' exhibition, Eindhoven

september 27, 2008 - january 25, 2009

Museum Kunstlicht in de Kunst, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

The humann proposal was selected for the finals of the
It was therefore shown at the museum, together with the work of 7 other finalists of the contest.

This humann-installation was made possible thanks to our sponsors:
Museum Kunstlicht in de Kunst, Philips and SICK.

SICK kindly donated their (expensive!) hi-end LMS200 Laser Measurement Sensor for our artwork.

invitation 're-ACT' exhibition

Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder, opening reception, Sep 27th, 2008
(photo by Theo Visser)

Some impressions from 're-ACT'
(photos by Theo Visser, Carmin & Rolf)

Kids interacting with humann during the 're-ACT' exhibition
(video by Carmin)

the official invitation for the 're-ACT' exhibition (in Dutch)
press releases
press release 04/14/2008: 'Finalisten prijsvraag bekend' (in Dutch)
press release 08/20/2008: 'Tentoonstelling re-ACT' (in Dutch)
article in the 'Cursor', the weekly magazine of the Eindhoven University of Technology (in Dutch)
summary of the article in the 'Cursor' (in English)
article in 'UIT cultuurkrant', october 2008 edition (in Dutch)
article in 'UIT cultuurkrant', december 2008 edition (in Dutch)
article in 'UIT cultuurkrant', january 2009 edition (in Dutch)
hi-res movie: kids interacting with humann during the 're-ACT' exhibition (by Carmin Karasic)
photos from the 're-ACT' exhibition (by Theo Visser, Nick Lebeat, Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder)
re-ACT exhibition, Museum Kunstlicht in de Kunst, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
a special thanks to:
  • Museum Kunstlicht in de Kunst, Philips and SICK for their sponsorship
  • all the employees of the Museum for all their help and unbelievable enthusiasm!
  • the artists in the show for their inspiring company
  • Bert Luitsz for sharing his Adobe Flash expertise with us
  • many of our friends for their support

© 2008-2025 Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder - All rights reserved



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